How to bring home comforts to work

How to bring home comforts to work

by | Mar 7, 2022 | Uncategorized

With the lifting of so many restrictions, working from home may belong to the distant past for many of us.
Gone are the days of waking up late, working in your pyjamas and having your own space.
But that doesn’t mean things have to go back to the way they used to be.
It’s important to feel as comfortable as possible at work, and that can only be achieved by making some changes.
Read on to find out how you can bring the comforts of home into the workplace.

As an employee

Bringing the comforts of home to work can be a pretty tall order if your employer doesn’t take the necessary steps to make it happen.
Fortunately, there are still some things you can do as an employee to make your time at work more relaxing.

1) Comfortable chairs

One of the most important things you can do to make your time at work more comfortable is to invest in a good chair.
Some people don’t realize how effective a good chair can be in improving your working day – especially if the chair you currently have gives you shoulder or back pain.
When it comes to chairs, the safest bet is to opt for ergonomics.
After all, not all bodies are built in the same way, and an ergonomic chair will enable you to adapt it to your height and have a correct sitting position.
It will also encourage good posture and reduce – if not eliminate – aches and pains.

2) Incorporate more greenery

Studies have shown that the color green enhances mood as well as productivity, as it is often associated with growth.
That’s why bringing plants into the office is a great way to bring the comforts of home into the workplace.
Not only will you feel more productive and the air quality will be better, but you’ll also be caring for and nurturing your plants, creating an attachment that will make you look forward to coming to work.

3) A sit-stand desk

Just as ergonomic chairs can provide comfort, so can ergonomic desks.
A desk that allows you to stand up or sit down when your body needs to makes work a lot less restrictive.
You won’t be restricted in your movements – just as you weren’t when you worked from home.
Sit-stand desks are also known to reduce work-related injuries, such as repetitive strain injuries, high blood pressure and musculoskeletal disorders.

4) Personalize your space

One obvious way to bring the comforts of home to the workplace is to personalize your space.
You can bring in your favorite photos, add your favorite colors by getting new accessories, or even add some of your favorite artwork.
Having things to look at that make you happy can only brighten up your day.

As an employer

If you’re an employer and want to make sure your employees are as comfortable as possible at work, but don’t know how to go about it, we’ve got just what you need.
There are several things you can do that can make all the difference.

1) Reduce stress factors

One of the best ways to ensure that your employees are comfortable and productive is to reduce stress factors.
If your employees are constantly stressed about meeting deadlines and barely have time to eat lunch, you can be sure they’re certainly not happy.
And the less happy an employee is, the less productive they are.

You can reduce stress at work by the way you design your workplace.
A more collaborative, less divided space will not only make your employees feel more comfortable, but also encourage teamwork.
You can even create a relaxation area, such as a games room, when tensions rise and your employees need to relieve some of their stress.

2) Have relaxed days

To reduce stress and put employees at ease, it can be a good idea to have casual days.
Casual days would allow employees to wear what they want on certain days of the week, which would not only encourage them to come to work on those days, but also make them feel appreciated.
It would also be a great way of letting them know that their individuality is valued.
Casual days will certainly make them feel like they’re bringing the comforts of home to work!

3) Be flexible

Another way to make your employees feel comfortable in the workspace you’ve provided for them is to always remain flexible and offer them flexibility too.
This means encouraging your employees to have the freedom to choose when and how they work.
As long as they get the job done on time, it doesn’t matter where or when they do it.
Obviously, there needs to be some structure – it’s important to be able to communicate with your employees – but it shouldn’t be so rigid that they feel like a cog in the machine.
To encourage a flexible workplace, it’s also important that your employees discuss their needs with you.
The more they feel listened to, the happier and more comfortable they’ll be.

Whatever you choose to do, the most important thing to keep in mind is the mental and physical health of your employees.
And the best way to achieve this is to make sure they have the right furniture and tools to support their emotional and physical well-being.
If you need help choosing the right furniture, don’t hesitate to contact specialists who can guide you towards the best options for your business – for your family.

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